Passed Out
Establish Year
Established in year 2011, DANBAHADUR SURYA KUMAR I COLLEGE BANDIPUR is located in Rural area of Uttar Pradesh state/ut of India. In Bandipur area of Bhiyaon block of Ambedkar Nagar district. Area pincode is 224125. School is providing Secondary, High Secondary (9-12) level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation. Medium of instruction is Hindi language and school is Co-educational.
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Director's Desk
“Life is less complicated than it seems, good habits And hard work are all it takes to succeed and win” “Life is less complicated than it seems, good habits And hard work are all it takes to succeed and win” You have reasons to be proud of Daan Bahadur Suraya Kumar inter college,your atma matter, for its trail gain, reputation, Discipline, cleanliness and for the opportunities and avenues offered to you for your development and growth.
Read More“दान बहादुर सूर्य कुमार इन्टर कॉलेज , बन्दीपुर अम्बेडकर नगर ,बालक/ बालिकाओ के चतुर्मुखी विकास के लिए विभिन आयामों का समय – समय पर आयोजन करता है| व्यिक्त के जीवन में अनेक प्रकार की चुनौतिया का सामना करना पड़ता है ये चुनौतियों को साहस के साथ स्वीकारने और उनकी बाधाओं को पार करने पर हमें सफलता रुपी उपहार मिलता है
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